You must be an Old Bridge Twp Resident or OBPL Card Holder in order to win prizes.
1. SIGN UP for Summer Reading! To sign up you can do one of the following things:
a) Come to the Adult Services Desk in the Library
b) Call the Library at 732-721-5600 ext5033
c) Email adultsummer (at) oldbridgelibrary (dot) org with your name and how to contact you
You will receive a Reader Number. This number must be included in all posts and comments in order for you to get credit for them.
2. READ books/magazines/graphic novels/websites, WATCH movies, LISTEN to music, or ATTEND library events. We're not too picky...
3. REVIEW IT: Write your review and grade the subject of your review from A through F. Your review needs to be identified by your Reader Number. You can bring a written review to the Adult Services Desk or email it to adultsummer (at) oldbridgelibrary (dot) org.
4. Within 48 hours, your review will appear here on the blog.
5. COMMENT: The Summer Program blog allows for comments to be posted. Both comments & reviews are added into the weekly drawings AND the Grand Prize drawing at the end of the summer. Remember to include your Reader Number!
DO NOT include personal information in ANY posts or comments.
Things which will prevent your Reviews or Comments from being posted: Inappropriate Language, Minimal Content (less than a paragraph), Plagiarism, Off-topic comments.
6. WIN: Each week, one winner will win "Dinner & a Movie" from the Library and Giusseppe's Pizzeria. Two runners up will receive 3 Free Movie checkouts.
Winners will be announced by September 6th, 2008.
7. At the end of the summer all reviews and comments turned in will be put together for a Grand Prize drawing. Three lucky winners will receive their choice of a Year of Free Movie Checkouts from the Library, or a $50 Gift Card from Best Buy or Barnes & Noble.